Tonight I wrote about family game night for Flat River Furniture and since I love game night I thought I would double dip and share it here too.
We love family game night. Monopoly, Clue, cards, Yahtzee, Life, etc. It's a fun relaxed time to get together and have some laughs while beating your loved ones.
It is also a low cost option for something to do together rather than go out to a movie, for example, which seems to cost more every time you walk through the door. This evening of bonding costs only the price of a board game (if you don't have one already, which you probably do) and maybe a pizza. Pizza is usually mandatory with this crew. Best of all, everyone can be included. Many games are suitable for a wide age range.
Go grab some family and a pile of games and get to it!
Nice weather is coming and the daylight is lasting longer. Bring game night outside! We like this tree stump checkerboard. By using pebbles you never have to worry about loosing the pieces.

What is your favorite game to play?
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