Update: I made it through Thanksgiving without obsessing about Christmas! It was a lovely holiday with family and yummy food.
You betcha' I was up at 2:00 am the next morning though and heading out with the crazy shoppers! Its all about the experience whether its insane or not. I also came home and started decorating my house. Oh.... and the Christmas cards are signed, sealed and waiting to be delivered. Yup, I'm on a roll.
The BEST part though, aside from picking out the perfect present, is WRAPPING it! I've adopted this OCD wrapping behavior from my mother. I currently have several wrapped, but I keep wanted to add or change things. (Yes, I know they will just tear through it and throw away the paper no matter how much work I put into it.) Compared to some pictures I have seen, mine are not nearly as nice, but I also don't have tons of $ to poor into just the wrapping right now. I think a nicely wrapped gift just seems so much more special and you love it before you even open it.
And now for some dream prezzies...
wow! Those are some gorgeously wrapped gifts! :) Stopping by from Gussy's...
so cute. I should take more time to wrap.