Thursday, August 25, 2011

Gussy Sews Inpiration Challenge: Favorite Color

The weeks Gussy Sews challenge topic is: Favorite Color. If I had to choose I would definitely say PURPLE (like my wedding colors and bathroom paint) and BLUE (like the majority of the rest of my homes walls) would be my second choice.... but overall I am pretty non-committal to picking favorite colors. I always seem to be changing. Over the summer it was YELLOW, but last night I was on Pinterest and saw gorgeous jewel tone inspired rooms! I think this is the start of a new obsession. (PURPLE and BLUE just happen to make wonderful jewel tones.)

My husband made this for me when we were in high school. Its a marriage of my favorite colors.
(Notice the jewel tone purple bottom.)

Source: via Victoria on Pinterest

                                                                                       Source: via Victoria on Pinterest

                                                                                      Source: via Victoria on Pinterest

And as always........Gussy Sews Inspiration Workshop!

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