Thanksgiving is fast approaching and I am very excited. It is my favorite holiday; family, food, Macy's parade, football... more food.
As much as I really love Thanksgiving, I feel like I am already focused on Christmas. As my dad said, when I stated the Christmas cards I ordered had arrived in the mail (back in October), "You have to make it through Halloween, Thanksgiving and Pearl Harbor Day first before you can think about Christmas." I can't really follow this rule, as I think about Christmas pretty much all year, but I can take the next 3 days off to really enjoy Thanksgiving. All bets are off Friday when I join the crazies for Black Friday though. (11/25, NOT 11/24 night! That is going too far people!)
I am thankful for so many things this year:
1. My family (immediate and extended, old and young, close and far, and those that are not related by blood but are family none-the-less).
2. We have a nice home to live in.
3. The Mr. and I both have jobs.
4. The Mr. and I just celebrated one great year of marriage.
5. Everyone (family, teachers, friends) who love and help in the growth of my daughter. (It does take a village, whiter you admit it or not.) I am thankful she goes to a wonderful school and has such nice friends.
It is easy to wish for more, newer, better things (both material and immaterial) but it's even nicer to be happy with what you have.